When my emotions are frayed, chaotic and tired, my creative juices are just as zapped.
So that’s why things have been a little slow around here. I haven’t drawn in two weeks, which is strange for someone who spends 6-7 hours drawing and creating each day.
It’s really hard for me to pick up a pencil again after I’ve lost someone very dear to me. Creating art has always been such an emotional and spiritual thing for me and when my heart takes a blow like that, it takes time before I can draw again. But how do I know when it’s time to pick up the pencil again? How do I know when I’m ready?
When I feel I can draw the loved one I lost.
Now, they may not be the first I draw when I continue, but having that confidence in my healing is what enables me to start creating again. And then I will draw her. Because it is the best way I heal and remember and honor someone I love.
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