May 30, 2010

Crazy Days

What a busy week! First off, I have finally received the correct paper for my commissioned portrait of Michael Jackson’s family and it shouldn’t be long before I have a little something from that to share!

Now, balancing multiple projects is an entirely new thing for me. A year ago I never would have attempted to work on more than one drawing at a time, much less 6 portraits in total and my first landscape! (not to mention my endeavor in creating jewelry out of paper beads…and writing a novel. Have I mentioned that yet?) So I learn a little every day. Some days more than I can put to rest at night.

But…against what I would have thought a year ago, I find it exhilarating! I work on whatever project I feel most drawn to that day, float between drawing and rolling beads and typing out a few revisions to my novel. I’m never bored…simply because there is not time to be.

And I love every second of it.

I’ll leave you off with my creations (and updates) for the week. Have a happy Memorial Day!

Day's end WIP #2

Bracelets created for friends of mine.

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